Monika Wyłoga
BalladynaZofia Asa
Impression IVJolanta Mikuła
OWN ROOMAleksandra Rey
Canadian goldenrod from the series Herbarium (part 2 /right from the diptich)Agata Wierzbicka
StrelitziaLaura Rumi
SpiderLaura Rumi
CraneAgata Wierzbicka
Autumn MoodAleksandra Rey
Forsythia 3 from the series OrganicsKasia Łubińska
FruitsZofia Asa
Impression VIIAleksandra Rey
Canadian goldenrod from the series Herbarium (part 1 /left from diptych)Jolanta Mikuła
Watercolor IMałgorzata Marczuk
Drops of green IIZofia Asa
Impression IIZofia Asa
Impression IIIZofia Asa
Impression IXHanna Gąsiorowska
In the red gardenKasia Łubińska
LemonsZofia Asa
Impression IZofia Asa
Impression VIZofia Asa
Impression XIAleksandra Rey
Poppies from Lelystadt from the series Through flowersAleksandra Rey
Oxeye Daisies from Lelystad from the series Through FlowersAleksandra Rey
Puffers in Sanok from the series Through flowersKatarzyna Bogdańska
SproutMałgorzata Marczuk
Drops of green IZofia Asa
Impression VIIIZofia Asa
Impression XAleksandra Rey
Tansy from the series HerbariumAleksandra Rey
White adjective from the Herbarium seriesAleksandra Rey
Hungarian Flowers from the series HerbariumAleksandra Rey
Meadow 4 from the seriesWaldek Borowski
LIFEChintami Ricci
Grow With LoveChintami Ricci
Lady HummingbirdAlicja Posłuszna
Minimalism 2Małgorzata Marczuk
SilenceNikola Kucharska
A Midsummer night's dreamNikola Kucharska
BeeNikola Kucharska
GnomesAleksandra Rey
Chicory - a traveler in Przybyszów from the series Through flowersMelanie Gandyra
PotedWaldek Borowski
PHOTOSYNTHESISJustyna Brzozowska
Impression VZofia Asa
SusannaAleksandra Rey
This is war from the series There Will Be a Forest