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Marzena Turek Gas is a Doctor of Fine Arts, painter, sculptress, visionary and designer. A graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, Faculty of Graphic Arts in Katowice, she is a three-time recipient of grants from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. She was the first artist in the world to paint monumental canvases over 200 square metres using rollerblades. She is the author of the Shapes of Colour/All Size project and the large-scale relief from this series, which was realised in the Praga district of Warsaw (2011–2021) as part of the Art in Public Space competition. The latest interaction of the project was displayed at the Zachęta National Gallery of Art in Warsaw (2023, 2024). Her artistic achievements include 180 solo and group exhibitions in countries such as England, Japan, Korea, the United States, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. Her work can be found in museums, art institutions and private collections in America, Europe and Asia. She creates and lives in Warsaw.
The creative path is a consequence of the artist’s observations, owing to which they can give a shape to their work.  I like to combine elements of nature in such a way that the composition becomes an abstract image. Each work of art has its specific energy, and the time in which it was created reflects the power of a given moment. I often see reality from above, get a bird’s eye view, because this way of looking at it makes it more abstract.

I record traces of vehicles dancing on freshly snowed streets at night. The street lamps cast an orange glow over the whole scenery. The wheels of the vehicles are drawing lines similar to those made by a putty knife. They thicken, become blacker and contrast with shiny white snow. I feel power in the fleshiness of paint. I feel painting on a huge scale! This is my painting connected with space. My painting tools are vehicles, whereas my canvas – a street covered with snow. The image of the road with the winding vehicle traces resembles a character from Japanese calligraphy. Trace, imprint, line and stain have always been associated with human spirituality. Each day indicates a line of our life. We can also see lines on our fingerprints.  The line which appears in my large-sized paintings created with the help of roller-skates is like my signature – sometimes subtle and blurred, at other times – strong, firm, double or even three-dimensional. The created image looks like a map of the world.
We all have our stories which bind us together, and we also belong to the same human species, creating a web of colourful layered lines, or even a giant map of the world.
Dr Marzena Turek Gas