MARIE - JO Lafontaine. Liquid Crystal

The remarkable video installation “Les Larmes d´Acier” which was Marie-Jo Lafontaine’s input to documenta 8, brought the Belgian artist to the forefront of contemporary art. As part of the Frankfurt Skyarena for the 2006 soccer world cup Lafontaine was asked to produce the creative part: the video installation “I love the World” which involved screening huge images onto high-rise facades. Lafontaine’s works are very complex, and her choice of media is highly varied: from video installations through sculptures and photography.
“Liquid Crystal” is the series of monochrome portraits of youths. “Liquid Crystals” bring together the archetypal characteristics of a liquid, such as flow properties with those of solids such as direction dependence. This chemical-physical sensation is metaphor for puberty – time when teenagers search for their own identity as adults. During this stage the individual recognizes itself as a social and sexual being and looks for a place in society. This journey can be fluid (possibilities, open options) and at the same time firms structures that provide guidance. The Lafontaine’s adolescents portrays are shown head on and the entire upper torso is showed. Poses are varied defiant, conforming, forced, cool and others skeptical. Photos show youths as a larger than in life which shows artist’s acceptance and respect for the upcoming generation.
Elżbieta Owczarek. Take a pause. Painted with Light.
Roksana Kularska Krol tells Lumarte about the incredible events in Kazimierz Dolny, Queens of the Night, matriarchy, and other things which help shape her work.
Tytus Brzozowski - painting. Exhibition 09.10.2015