Zbyszko Oleś - Wollenberg
Broken life 5Małgorzata Goczewska
Botanische Zusammensetzung Nr. 2Małgorzata Wysocka-Kibart
Nature of LightMałgorzata Marczuk
BlueMałgorzata Marczuk
Image on the glassMałgorzata Marczuk
Sunny morningMałgorzata Marczuk
Frosty nightMałgorzata Marczuk
Energy of autumnAliaksandr Kanavalau
Sound monster.Aliaksandr Kanavalau
Advice no. 23 An abdominal tickle one can generate all by themselves. A long feather will be helpful, preferably plucked from a heron (although one should not reach to deep with it), and a fistful of phenethylamine. At the same time while generating a tiAliaksandr Kanavalau
Advice no. 11193 Facing overflowing emotions, one should not (although the solution seems to be intuitive) concentrate on chosen feelings, but on all of them at once. Since it’s of utter importance with overflown emotions that each one of them is worth eLaura Rumi
NeonLaura Rumi
AxolotlMagdalena Pastuszak
V1 - 18Marcin Kulabko
DreamerJustyna Brzozowska
KIWIJustyna Brzozowska
Gewöhnlicher LöwenzahnMałgorzata Marczuk
Ice roseMałgorzata Marczuk
Garden painted on the glassMałgorzata Marczuk