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Born in 1977 in Warsaw, Poland.
Graduated from High School of Art in Warsaw.

My journey into the world of photography began in the early 90's, but at that time my biggest passion was painting, which helped me to develop a vision that was hard to create with other visual techniques. Unfortunately I had to leave the paintbrush and canvas.

A few years ago I have opened "the door" to my own world with help of a different key. My early fascinations of painting and photography have been combined into one piece, with the use of digital tools. That digital photography and software gave me the opportunity to generate unique realities that were impossible to be created with an ordinary dark room techniques. Most of my work is like a journey to the places which don't exist. Places from my dreams, desire, imagination and fears.

My inspiration comes from many artists and it doesn't matter if they get through to me by the sense of vision or hearing. I can tell that music has the biggest impact on my work. It’s an inseparable element with pictures in my mind, a kind of sound illustration to a visible scenery. These two things hit me with the strongest intensity. Since many years, it helped me to understand that I’ve chosen the right way for my self realization. It gave me an opportunity to show my world and to share it. This is what I’m doing, this is what I love to do and it’s still not everything what I want to say. Each day I see more, I’m exploring more things which I want to share with You.

Have a nice journey!
Michał Karcz


Na caly dorobek Michała Karcza składa się okolo 800 prac powstalych od 2004 roku i reprezentujących główne wątki jego twórczości. Dominują fantasmagoryczne krajobrazy, niebotyczne szczyty, mroczne nieboskłony, metafizyczne przestrzenie. Czasem pojawia się element architektury, również fantastycznej, symbolicznej… Postać ludzka jest tu rzadkim gościem a jeżeli już się pojawia to wręcz miniaturowa, zagubiona w epickich przestrzeniach, przemykająca jak owad w cieniu megalitu.  Chyba właśnie ta „epickość” jest wyróżnikiem prac Karcza; artysta kreuje przestrzenie mityczne, archetypiczne, skrojone na miarę herosów z antycznych podań…Nie boi sie tez podejmować tematów trudnych, charakteryzujących współczesny świat, ukazywac jego wady i poruszać problematykę egzystencjalną.