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Marek Miś graduated biology at Mikołaj Kopernik University in Toruń. The photography and the light microscopy have been his passion for many years. last years he combined these twoo passions and devoted himself almost solely to taking photographs with the microscope. He is the author of some individual exhibitions and the participant of many collective exhibits. His works were showed both in Poland and abroad. He is the multiple winner of the two prestigious competitions dedicated to the photomicrography: Nikon Small World and Olympus BioScapes. He is an author of about 80 publications on photography,nature and constructional (Przyroda Polska, Foto, Fotokurier, Wiedza i Życie, Młody Technik, Twój Urlop, Amateur Photographer, Digital Camera Polska). In 2015 was published his book on photography tittled "Blisko, coraz bliżej. Od Fotografii zbliżeniowej do mikrofotografii" (Helion 2015) (Eng. "Close, closer and closer. From close-up to the photomicrography"). He cooperates with some photo agencies in Poland (East News) and abroad (Science Photo Library - Great Britain), Science Source - USA and BioShots - USA)
Because of education and interests many of his micrographs are dedicated to various aspects of the living world.
Apart from that he uses the microscope for searching the quite abstractional images. Besides the images refering to the graphic arts he also looks for the images resembling pieces of our ordinary, big world. With his micrographs he tries to show the beauty and the great variety of the worlds hidden for the naked eye.
The images which he creates are not the effect of the postprocessing manipulations. Both the rich colour sheme and the great variety of forms are the effect of using special illumination techniques (mostly polarized light and dark field) just in the moment of taking the photograph.