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I was born and I live in Warsaw, Poland. I have finished Electronics on University of Technology in Warsaw. By profession I`m publishing editor. Besides I`m an engineer my soul stays poetical and a dreamer…   
I`ve been interested in photography for many years since now. I have finished photography course “Fotokalejdoskop” organized by Taida Tarabuła`s school of photography, joined a lot of photographical workshops and other activities such as: “Portrety” workshop leading by exelent portrait photographer Zbigniew Furman, “Makroprzestrzenie” workshop with macro-photographer master Magda Wasiczek supported by Nikon Academy.
My dreams have become true with digital world paiting with my photo lenses.
First I made architectural photographies but since last few years I become more focused and impressed by nature pictures. This kind of creation let me express my filings and emotions better.
I use digital photocamera with different kind of lenses like macro, helios and others. I did not use advanced postproduction process, just simple colours corrections.
My pictures are painted with light, rain, wind, water mirror, frozen in glass or ice …

​Photo shows and exhibitions:
  1. “Fotodialogi” – group exhibitions,  April 2019, Warsaw
  2. “Apetyt na naturę” – indywidual exhibition, January 2020, Warsaw